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In the Secular Humanistic Jewish movement, we make a distinction between an intercultural marriage and an interfaith marriage. An intercultural marriage is one between people who were raised with different cultural traditions or different ethnic identities. Both members of the couple, however, share a basic world view and set of beliefs, whether humanistic or God-oriented. These couples can enrich their home with traditions of two heritages and there is little conflict over matters of belief.


Interfaith marriages are more difficult. In these marriages, the couple, who can be of different or the same culture and heritage, believe radically different things about the nature of the universe, of humanity, and of the supernatural. If they come from the same cultural background (like two Ashkenazic Jews, one Secularist and one Conservative), they may be able to share cultural expressions which mean different things to both of them. If they differ in both cultural background and belief (like one Western European Humanist and one Orthodox Jew), more conscious efforts have to be made to make the household work out, particularly if there are children.


The Secular Humanistic Jewish movement supports and affirms the right of each individual to marry whom he or she chooses and Secular Humanistic Jewish clergy officiate (and co-officiate with clergy of other religions) at both intercultural and interfaith wedding ceremonies.

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